Our Calling
We are fellow pilgrims on a journey from brokenness to wholeness. Along the way, we’ve learned a few truths about how to successfully travel through this life so that we arrive at a very good destination. We’ve learned how to connect with other travelers so that no one journeys alone. When we arrive at our journey’s end, we want to have with us a great company of freed up, joyful pilgrims with whom we will spend eternity praising this God.
Who are we? We are children of a loving Heavenly Father. We are husband and wife, for over four decades. We are the parents of a son and a daughter who are the delight of our lives.
Who are we? We are life purpose and spiritual counselors, marriage and family educators and therapists, relationship coaches, and Brent is a professional counselor. Through these roles, we equip others to successfully connect with the most important people in their lives. We are profoundly and humbly grateful to the God who called us to this fantastic work.
Needs we are equipped to meet:
- Assisting those on a spiritual journey to find God and, in doing so, find their true selves.
- Helping individuals become all that God created them to be so they can do all God has called them to do
- Being used by God to bring people into a personal and saving relationship with Jesus Christ
- Healing distressed marriages
- Helping good marriages get better
- Teaching relationship skills that create and maintain connection
- Skills for communicating and resolving conflict
- Transforming resentment, anger and abuse into compassion
- Overcoming addictions
- Equipping teen and young adults to successfully navigate the dating and mate selection scene
- Healing family of origin deprivations that inhibit successful adult living and relating
- Helping people work through attachment issues
- Equipping parents to proactively parent their children to raise them to be successful adults who are personally alive in Christ, emotionally healthy, relationally skillful, and developmentally successful