Brent and Carol Mock, in Pittsburgh, provide Christian, biblical marriage counseling.
Our intimate relationships are the source of the greatest joy and the greatest heartache in our lives. Couples sometimes get to the place where they wonder what happened to the hope they had when they first got married. From a subtle recognition that our marriage is not what we know it can be and need a little help, to marriages seeking to survive betrayal or avoid divorce, we use a solution focused approach to help couples create the relationship they always hoped they would have.
Our skills-based approach equips couples to successfully implement changes that make huge differences in the quality of their relationship. Under girding all we do is a thorough understanding of God’s design for marriage. Foundational to this is our own love for God. This strengthens us to love our spouses and others with that incorruptible, undying love that insures our marriages last. These skills are especially strategic for couples considering marriage, as learning them from the start can insure a thriving relationship from the wedding day.
Genesis 2: 24. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Ephesians 6: 24. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible (undying).
We have expertise to work with:
- Relationship skills training: communication, conflict resolution, handling expectations and issues
- Affair recovery
- Divorce prevention
- Dating relationships and mate selection
- Blended families
Couples Workshops
10 Great Dates
How to Improve Your Marriage without Talking about It
Prevention Relationship and Enhancement Program
The Second Half of Marriage
Distressed Marriages Articles
Facts About Marital Distress and Divorce
Help for Distressed Marriages
Helpful Counsel for Couples Considering Divorce
Sexual Wholeness in Marriage
What Factors are Associated with Divorce
Improve Your Marriage Articles
100 plus Tips and Hints for Building Good Relationships
All You Need is Love!
Keeping Your Marriage Strong
Start a Companionship Marriage Now
The Worst Thing a Man Does to a Woman
The Worst Thing a Woman Does to a Man
Why Marriage Matters Articles
Some Thoughts on a Biblical View of the Process of Becoming Married
What is a Healthy Marriage?
What is Marriage Education?
Why Marriage Matters
Why Marriages Succeed