Before You Take the Leap:
The Myth: Marriage is a natural part of life and there is no need to prepare for it in order to be successful. It just comes naturally.
The Facts: Marriage preparation programs improve the overall relationship and are linked to a reduction in divorce by 50%.
If the Marriage Ain’t Happy:
The Myth: The marriage is not the heart of the home, it’s more important to focus on the kids or the family in general. The marriage can be put on the back burner and things will be okay.
The Facts: Problems in a marriage affect the whole family and impact nearly every area of a couple’s life.
Shackin’ Up:
The Myth: Living together before marriage is a good way to ensure you marry the right person and it’s a good way to prepare for a successful marriage.
The Facts: There is no evidence that cohabitation benefits future marriage and some evidence that it damages future marriage.
It Pays to Get Married:
The Myth: Marriage is boring, damaging, no fun, detrimental to progress and can be abusive.
The Facts: Married people are happier, healthier, and wealthier!