Brenton and Carol offer biblical Christian based counseling and mentoring focused on spiritual growth
We mentor and guide Christians to grow spiritually. We work with persons who want to overcome barriers to their growth. This involves growing to become more like Jesus. Jesus promised that through him we can have life and have it abundantly (John 10: 10). This full life in all its aspects must involve growing closer to Jesus and, thereby, living in his peace and joy which nothing in this world can touch.
At this season of our lives, we devote our time, energy and expertise to helping people connect: with their true selves, with loved ones, and with God. The highest joys in life come from vital relationships, relationships that meet the deepest longings of the heart.
We have come to believe that a vital relationship with our Creator God is where the quest for a joyous, rich with meaning life begins and ends. We have spent five decades devoted to learning the heart and mind of our Creator God, and what this loving Heavenly Father wants for his children. Seeing ourselves through God’s loving eyes, hearing him speak words of total acceptance and unconditional love frees us from all our frustrations and fears. Seeing ourselves through God’s eyes enables us to embrace all he created us to be so we can do all he calls us to do. As the wisest spiritual teacher ever once said, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
Life and marriage and family works best when we follow the Creator’s instruction manual. Intimate connection with God improves intimate connections with others. These articles discuss what it looks like to walk with God in Jesus Christ, which allows our journey through life to take us, along with those we love, to very good places
2 Corinthians 3: 17, 18
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit
The Obstacle to Change
Consistent Christian Living 3
How to Love Like Jesus
How To Stand Firm When The Winds of This World Blow Against Us
What Kind of Christian Draws Non-Believers to Christ?
The Key: A Parable
Trust Your True Self to Jesus and Others
Trusting God and Doing the Right Thing
Valued in a Devaluing World
Maximizing God’s Promises